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Holy Land

Walking in The Path of Jesus 13 Days Holy Land

Amman - Petra - Nazareth - Cana - Mt. Tabor - Tiberias - Caesarea - Haifa - Jericho - Dead Sea - Bethlehem - Jerusalem


Led by:

Fr. Henri Atem

  • Possible to book from any other Airport Worldwide. if from USA, please pick your airport of departure when you book and the system will recalculate the price.

  • Any requested upgrade to Premium, Business and First Class, please to advice our office at

$ 4950


$ 400

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Jun 6, 2023

Jun 18, 2023

Green Price Tag

Price per person sharing room:

$ 4950

Green Price Tag

Single Supplement:

$ 1000

Green Price Tag

Land only price:

$ 4000


See Flight Itinerary

About this trip

Dear Friends,
The Good News of Christ is revealed in history. We know God and God’s saving power through words that were spoken and events that occurred at particular times and places in the Holy Land. I invite you to come with us and visit the places where the history of our salvation was played out, the places where Jesus taught and worked His signs, where He offered Himself in sacrifice, and where He rose and ascended. To visit
these places and to worship in them connects us with the history of our salvation with a special immediacy, and makes it more real. Jesus was very much aware of His physical surroundings,
seeing the place where a teaching was given or
parable told can give us a new and more lively understanding of passages that had seemed obscure on paper. I am excited at the opportunity to visit the Holy Land and to share with you the wonder and the power of these holy places.
-Fr. Henry Atem

Your trip includes

  • Airfare R/T ATL/TLV - AMM/ATL

  • Accommodations on H/B

  • 3 night hotel Legacy Hotel Nazareth.

  • 5 nights hotel Notredam Jerusalem.

  • 2 nights Petra– The Old Village resort or similar

  • 1 night Amman.

  • Meet & assist upon arrival at Airport

  • Meals on H/B basis, starting with dinner ending with breakfast. Excluding lunches.

  • Transportation by A/C bus.

  • Entrance fees to all visited sites as per program

  • Portages

  • Horse ride in Petra

  • 2 hours Jeep tour in Wadi Rum

  • Guiding – English Speaking Catholic Guide.

  • Audio System

  • Taxes

  • TIPS ($120 per person included) not including lunches

  • 3% credit card service fee

Your trip excludes

  • Drinks

  • Lunches

  • Insurance

Your trip Itinerary

Day 1 - Depart for Tel-Aviv Depart to Holy Land

Depart from Atlanta for Tel-Aviv with complimentary meals and beverages served onboard your international flight.

Day 2 - Arrival in Tel-Aviv

On arrival in Tel Aviv, we proceed through Passport Control to meet our private airport assistant and claim our luggage. Our group will meet straight forward with our guide. We will have the day to rest from our long flight and get ready to start the pilgrimage on the day after. Dinner and overnight at your hotel in Nazareth.

Day 3 - Mt. Tabor - Cana - Nazareth

Drive to Cana of Galilee to visit the Wedding Church where Jesus performed the first of His signs, the changing of water to wine. We will celebrate Mass and then drive to visit Mt. Tabour. continue our drive to Nazareth and visit the Basilica of the Annunciation starting with the Grotto of the Annunciation and the Church. We will then visit the house of the Holy Family underneath the Church of St. Joseph. Meeting with Vicar of Nazareth (if available). Dinner and overnight at your hotel in Nazareth.

Day 4 – Tiberias - Beatitudes - Tabgha - Capernaum- Sea of Galilee

This morning we drive to the Sea of Galilee to visit the Mt. of Beatitudes where our Lord gave the Sermon on the Mount where we will celebrate Mass. We continue to Tabgha to see the splendid mosaic of the loaves and fishes with which He fed the five thousand. Visit the Church of St. Peter’s Primacy and then go to visit Capernaum to see the house of St. Peter and the Synagogue where our Lord preached. You will have the opportunity to try the St. Peter’s fish for lunch today. One of today’s highlights is a boat ride across the Sea of Galilee and we will also see the “Jesus Boat” a 2000-year-old boat found at the shores of Magdala. Dinner and overnight at your hotel in Nazareth.

Day 5 - Haifa - Caesarea - Jerusalem

This Morning we will drive to the beautiful city of Haifa, and go to Mt. Carmel where the Carmelites started 900 years ago. We celebrate Mass at the Church of Stella Mari also known as “the star of the sea”. We will have a panoramic view of the city Haifa and the beautiful Baha’i Gardens. We drive west to Caesarea Maritime, where St. Peter Baptized Cornelius and St. Paul was a prisoner before going to Rome. Here we visit the Roman Aqueducts and the Roman Theater as well as the palace of Pontius Pilate. We then continue our drive to Jerusalem. Dinner and overnight in Jerusalem

Day 6 - Bethlehem - Ein Klarem Ain Karem

In the morning, we enjoy breakfast at the hotel. Drive to Ein Karem to visit St. John the Baptist Church and Church of Visitation (Magnificat) where the Blessed Virgin Mary visited Elizabeth. Afterwards, drive back to Bethlehem to visit the Shepherds Field, the site where the star appeared to the shepherds which lead them to the manger where baby Jesus was born. Proceed to the Milk Grotto. We continue to the Basilica and Grotto of the Nativity and the Church of Nativity, the traditional birthplace of Jesus, and the Manger Square.

Day 7 - Jerusalem - The Passion of Jesus’ last hours

We enter old city Jerusalem to visit the Dome of the Rock, the El-Aqsa Mosque, the Western Wall, the Jewish quarter, and the Cardo. After Lunch we will transfer to St. Anna Church for the visit of the Pool of Bethesda. We continue to the Judgment Hall known as the Antonia Fortress where He was led to be condemned to death by Pontius Pilate. At that place we start walking the Via Dolorosa through the markets of the Old City praying the Stations of the Cross, we reflect on the greatness of His sacrifice, stopping at each of the Fourteen Stations of the Cross until we reach the church of Holy Sepulcher. Visit Calvary and the empty Tomb of our Lord and the different sections of the church. Holy Mass in the Holy Sepulchre. We will visit the Latin Patriarchate and meet the Patriarch on this day Evening: Dinner and overnight at your hotel in Jerusalem.

Day 8 - Jerusalem - Mount Zion - Upper Room

After breakfast, we drive to the top of Mt. Olives for a panoramic view of Jerusalem for a better understanding of its geography and some of the key sites surrounding the area. Visit the Church of Pater Noster where Jesus taught his disciples how to pray, and then we walk on the Palm Sunday Road to the Church of Dominus Flevit, where our Lord wept over the city. We continue our walk on the Palm Sunday Road to the Garden of Gethsemane. At Gethsemane is the Rock of Agony where Jesus uttered His last prayer. Spend some time in reflection and meditation inside the church. This afternoon, we go on Mount Zion to visit the Church of the Dormition commemorating our Blessed Mother falling asleep. Next, we go to visit the Cenacle, the place of the Last Supper and Pentecost. We also visit the Church of Saint Peter in Gallicantu. The house of the high priest of the Jews Caiaphas where Jesus was imprisoned for the night and where Peter denied our Lord. (Holy Mass in the Garden of Gethsemane). Dinner and overnight at your hotel in Jerusalem.

Day 9 - Jericho - Dead Sea Jericho – Qumran – Dead Sea - Jerusalem

After breakfast, you will drive along the Jordan Valley and visit the Jordan River to renew our baptism vows. We drive down the Jordan Valley and stop at the oasis town of Jericho, visit the excavations of the oldest city in the world, and view Mt. Temptation where Jesus fasted and was tempted by Satan. We will visit the excavations of Qumran where the Dead Sea Scrolls were uncovered. On the way back there is time for a swim (or rather a float!) in the mineral rich waters of the Dead Sea, renowned for its healing properties. Dinner and overnight in Jerusalem.

Day 10 - Jericho - Allenby – Petra Jericho - Alenby – Petra

In the morning, we will drive to the Allenby Border. We will cross the border into Jordan and meet our Jordanian guide and then continue our way into Petra. Lunch upon arrival, then we visit of the Nabatean Capital. We will walk along the Siq to reach the magnificent Treasure and visit the archeological site. Dinner and overnight in Petra.

Day 11 - Petra - Wadi

After Breakfast we will travel to Wadi Rum. We will enjoy a jeep tour in this panoramic desert. We will return to Petra by night (if available). Dinner and overnight in Petra.

Day 12 - Petra - Mt. Nebo - Madaba - Amman

After Breakfast we drive to Mount Nebo, where Moses viewed the Promised Land before he died. We then pass by Madaba to visit the Monastery of St. George which hosts the unique mosaic Map of Egypt, Jordan, and Holy Land. The map is believed to be the first one for this area, as it was made in the 6th century A.D. Dinner and overnight in Amman.

Day 13 - Amman - Airport

This morning after breakfast we drive to the airport for our flight back home to the USA.

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